Police Reforms

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About Police Reforms

We are constantly improving and are sometimes given recommendations or direction on things we need to change to better meet the public’s expectations.

Our progress on various reform or improvement efforts is outlined below.

Community Accountability

Use of Force




Misconduct Concerns


Formal Discipline


Budget and Priorities




Police Reform


Anti-Racism Reforms

The Black Lives Matter movement that followed Minneapolis police killing George Floyd in May 2020 demonstrated that more focus is needed on the issues of racism and inequities within our city.

While we know that our officers and civilian employees strive everyday to treat people according to our values, we acknowledge that structural racism still exists in our Service.

In September of 2020, we committed to the Calgary Police Commission, City Council and the public that we would take 11 immediate steps to address issues of systemic racism.

For More Information:
Our Commitment to Anti-Racism

Misconduct Investigation Reforms

In October 2018, the Law Enforcement Review Board released the Arkinstall Public Inquiry with 20 recommendations for reforming how we investigate misconduct allegations. The report was the result of a public inquiry into how we investigated a complaint regarding an arrest in 2008.

Full Report:
Arkinstall Inquiry Report: A call for change in Alberta's Approach to Police Oversight

Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Recommendation 3

Recommendation 4

Recommendation 5

Recommendation 6

Recommendation 7

Recommendation 8

Recommendation 9

Recommendation 10

Recommendation 11

Recommendation 12

Recommendation 13

Recommendation 14

Recommendation 15

Recommendation 16

Recommendation 17

Recommendation 18

Recommendation 19

Recommendation 20

Diverse and Inclusive Workplace Reforms

In late 2016, the Calgary Police Commission worked with us to develop a seven-point plan to help guide reforms aimed at improving our workplace culture.

Full Report:
Calgary Police Commission Seven-Point Plan

Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Recommendation 3

Recommendation 4

Recommendation 5

Recommendation 6

Recommendation 7

Gender Equity Reforms

On June 28, 2016, we presented a report to the Calgary Police Commission that provides an overview of the issues related to gender in the Service. It also outlined 17 recommendations to address the issues, the steps already taken, and future work to be done.

Full Report:
Addressing Gender Equity in the Service (PDF)

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